Channel Partners Rejoicing!

Boost your income today!

Channel Partner


We are on a mission to connect 10 Lakh MSME to new age SaaS

We help MSME workshops anywhere to:

  • Boost sales & growth
  • Improve customer experience
  • Mobile enabled business
  • Digital online payments
  • Improve quality of customer service
  • Reach satellite cities, small towns, remote villages

You are the superhero!

ToolBelt Channel Partners are helping #Mission10Lakh by connecting to MSME workshops. Giving them the power of ToolBelt cloud to boost their business.

1,000 (Channel Partners) x 1,000 (MSME each) = 10 Lakh MSME
Metros, cities, satellite cities, small town, villages, remote areas, rural areas, semi-urban areas, anywhere in the world.

Will it be easy? Nope. Worth it? Absolutely!

Join the revolution

Why should I join?

  • Become authorised ToolBelt Channel Partner
  • Help businesses in your local area
  • Get benefits & build your income
  • Be financially independent!
  • ZERO investment needed
  • ZERO security deposit
  • ZERO bank guarantee or collateral
  • Contribute to the growth of MSME community and feel pride!
  • Work from mobile
  • Connect and help your community
  • Be a hero in your community!

#Mission10Lakh benefits

  • 10x - 100x growth
    No limit on sales. Sell more, to earn more.
  • No territory limits.
    Sell anywhere in the world.
    Want to sell outside India? No problem.
  • Unlimited income
    Be your own boss. Earn as much as you can.
    We support you 100%
  • Receive commission on-time.
    Automatic. On time. Every month.
  • We pay GST extra!
    Yes! no need to worry about GST
    No deduction* of GST from commission payment.

ToolBelt Channel Partner Network

What is ToolBelt Channel Partner?

Reseller or franchisee

ZERO investment
ZERO stock
No territory limit

ToolBelt Channel Partner is a reseller. You become part of our reseller network, in your own city, state or location. We are expanding our Channel Partner Network to every city, village and town. As Channel Partner, you will sell ToolBelt services to MSME businesses in your local area, city or state. You are free to sell anywhere.

Fabulous opportunity for you!

Can I become ToolBelt Channel Partner?


If you are interested in earning monthly income by selling ToolBelt services to MSME businesses, you can definitely join as Channel Partner. You can join if you are a marketing team, BPO team, tele-calling team, customer service team, customer support team, feet-on-street team, door-to-door team or any other team that is connecting with the customers. Bigger the size of your team, higher is your income because ToolBelt provides commission on every sale.

How will I make money?

By selling

You and your team will reach out to potential MSME workshops and sell them ToolBelt services. ToolBelt Channel Partners make money by following these steps.

  1. Locate repair & service workshops in your city
  2. Visit their office or workshop
  3. Show them how they can benefit by using ToolBelt in their business
  4. Make them customer by registering online
  5. Congratulation! You just made a successful sale

Sell everyday to build a rock solid monthly income for yourself.

Do I need a team?

You can start solo.
Teams are definitely welcome.

ToolBelt Channel Partner Network has Channel Partners that are individuals in marketing & sales, BPO team, marketing teams, tele-callers, door-to-door sales team, customer support teams, individuals with a very strong social network. We do not limit or judge you on anything. Just sell and earn commission on every sale. It's that simple!

We directly pay only to the bank account of Channel Partner registered with us.

How much can I earn?

Sell more to earn more

You get commission on every sale. The more you sell, the more you get.

You have unlimited power!

  • Unlimited sales: We do not limit you on the number of units you can sell. Sell as many as possible.
  • Unlimited territory: Sell locally, in your city, state or anywhere you want
  • Unlimited team: Build your team at multiple locations. Build a small or large team. Collaborate with teams to increase sale. There is no limit.

The more you sell, the more your earn

Customer is asking for more features?

No problem!

ToolBelt provides unlimited and FREE updates to all active customers. Once the customer is signed-up, they can ask any additional feature or module. There is no limit. We listen to every customer. We accept all requests from customers, as long as the requested feature or module is related to their workshop business.

  1. Listen to the customer
  2. Make sure they are active customer
  3. Convey their business need to us
  4. We will schedule their requests in our forthcoming updates
  5. We announce the updates through ToolBelt app notification system
  6. Customer will automatically be notified when their requested update is ready for use
  7. We directly provide customer support
  8. You may be required to connect with the customer if the customer requests you so, or a visit is required at the customer workshop.

Listen to the customer. Always!

Will you help me to sell?


We will help you in multiple ways.
Identify local markets in your area, where you can sell
Discover list of potential customers
Make you part of our trade show, when we organise in your city
Keep you informed about all updates, changes and additions in ToolBelt
Provide any additional support you need

Join #Mission10Lakh


Following information will be needed to begin with.

  • Name
  • Mobile phone number, email address
  • City, PIN code

Plan your goals

ToolBelt team will call you to collect details about you and your bank account where we pay you the commission. The more you sell, the more you earn.

Sign the agreement

We will mutually sign the ToolBelt Channel Partner agreement with you.

Get FREE training

We will organise a training program for your team to get up to speed with ToolBelt. A team that completely understands the power of their service can sell it most effectively.

Boost your income!

Assemble your team or be a sales superhero yourself.

Your team is out in the field or on phone calls. You can start selling ToolBelt to customers and earning comission on every sale!


You can apply absolutely FREE

ToolBelt team reserves the right to accept or reject your application.

Welcome Kit - Physical

Welcome Kit

Registered Channel Partners can buy the following welcome kit.

  1. ToolBelt Brochures
  2. Channel Partner Certificate
  3. Business cards
  4. ToolBelt Lanyard
  5. ID card casing
  6. ToolBelt ID card

Be presentable. Be official. Be professional!

Buy Welcome Kit
(₹2,500 +GST)

FREE Digital kit

  1. Brochure (PDF, 10x scaled high quality PNG)
  2. Channel Partner logo (Portrait & landscape design, 10x scaled high quality PNG)
  3. ToolBelt logo (PDF, 10x scaled high quality PNG)
  4. ToolBelt Channel Partner business card (PDF, 10x scaled high quality PNG)
  5. ToolBelt QR code (PDF, 10x scaled high quality PNG)
  6. ToolBelt Channel Partner agreement (PDF)

Digital marketing kit is always FREE for registered Channel Partners.