Customer delight!

Appreciation from 100% customers

बिक्री बढ़ती रहे, ग्राहक मुस्कुराते रहें, हमें और क्या चाहिए?

ENV['DOMAIN_NAME'] took away all our tensions of customer service

Any process or action is just a few seconds

Automobile workshop network, Tier-III city, U.P.

यह तो हम फटाफट सीख गए। DMS सीखने में तो बहुत समय लगा।

I learnt ENV['DOMAIN_NAME'] in just 2 days. DMS took more than a month!

Let's add some magic to your business

कम्प्यूटर कभी ख़राब हो जाए तो तुरंत मोबाइल से चल जाता है!

Computer breakdown? We simply switch to the mobile

Automobile workshop, Tier-II city, U.P.

बिल बनाना तो बस आधा मिनट से भी कम का काम है। सच्ची!

Generating invoice is just 30 seconds task. I swear!

Deliver quick service to customers

ग्राहक की भीड़ तो अब लगती ही नहीं है। सब कुछ फटाफट हो जाता है।

No more customer queues. Everything is super fast.

Automobile workshop, Tier-II city, U.P.

No interruptions. No delays. No excuses.

Rural pockets have no DSL, ENV['DOMAIN_NAME'] works on mobile network.

Simply, peace of mind.


Customers are saying, Awesome!